Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Draft Two: Successful and Unsuccessful Idents

Successful and Unsuccessful Idents

         Idents are shot clips that inform and/or entertain a channel’s target audience; they have opportunities as well as limitations within them. Some of the main opportunities connected to an ident are; the ease of displaying information, the ability for it to create a corporate identity and tone for a channel, the ability to brand a channel, the ability for it to appeal to the target audience and to encourage brand loyalty among viewers.
         However, there are also limitations to an ident that may determine whether or not an ident is successful. The typography of an ident is important; being able to clearly read information and text is going to be an important factor in whether or not an ident succeeds. Also, the resolution of the ident will contribute to its success; the higher the resolution the better the quality of the image, however the longer it will take to download. This may be an inconvenience to some viewers using tablets or smartphones to view a program online, and so the ident must be of good quality yet convenient to download. The colours in an ident are also important; is the channel using the colours associated with them or just random combinations? And finally, whether or not the aspect ratio is appropriate; if the image does not adjust well to widescreen to smartphone screens, the audience will be less likely to continue viewing the channel.

         The UKTV Gold channel idents are good examples of successful and unsuccessful idents. The older ident UKTV Gold presented in 1992 is an example of an unsuccessful ident. In terms of the design features, there is an extremely low density of information as no verbal or visual information being relayed to the audience. The composition and tempo of the ident is also unexciting and dull; the music was neither upbeat nor enthusing and the tempo was rather slow, giving off a laboured feeling. Although the ident is set in a normal household and is intended to entertain the audience, watching someone do their washing up then being shown the dirty water is not at all entertaining as there is no excitement; there is no intensity or amusing events.
            UKTV Gold’s newer ident, released in 2004, is much more successful. The updated ident interacts with the audience much better than the old ident and possess many more appealing features. While the newer ident has little visual information in the form of text, the visual effects and events happening on screen are much more attention grabbing and entertaining for the target audience. In terms of tempo and space and time, the clip is played at a moderately fast speed and is not set in reality, giving the ident a much more stimulating appearance. Moreover, the verbal information creates an improved interaction with the audience and viewers; using colloquial language and old slang engages with the target audience much more than the old ident. By displaying old toys, objects, games and activities, the target audience are entertained visually and can use these images to relate to past experiences.

         Eden’s Jungle Ident form 2009 is a second example of an unsuccessful ident.  The ident contains a moderate density of information in the form of lots of verbal material regarding program times and names. However the visual information is low as only the logo is shown at the end of this ident, suggesting there is more to find out about the ident. The composition is rather unbalanced with lots of the same colour, green, frequently used on the screen and minimal other colours. The slow tempo of the ident is one of the main reasons as to why this ident is unsuccessful; the visual actions are presented in a very dreary way, though they are supposed to provoke the ideas of adventure, an exciting concept. Even though the talking pace is at a normal speed, there is little connection between the ident and the target audience; it does not make the audience anticipate the show and what it may contain. The jungle setting is supposed to create excitement within the viewers, and even though the setting implies great discoveries and adventures, the slow and lethargic movements of the people and animals featured in the ident take away this excitement and make the audience less enthusiastic. Nevertheless, the ident is led by intending to relay information to the viewers and so is not necessarily going to focus heavily on the aesthetics of the ident. The verbal information the audience is given suggests that the channel shows factual programs, for example documentary style shows.
         The successful ident Eden currently being displayed on the channel is the Science Zone ident. In terms of the design features of the ident, it is much more successful than the previous ident form 2009. The Science Zone ident had a moderate density of information; little visual information is shown however plenty of verbal information is communicated. The composition of the current ident is very good; the visual elements of the ident are well balanced and compliment the verbal information being relayed to the audience. The visual aspects of the ident all relate to the topic of the program and are all interesting and attention grabbing images that may not be seen in everyday life for most viewers, enhanced by the verbal information explaining in slight detail more about what the show contains. The tempo of the ident is also of moderate speed, keeping the viewers interested in what is happening on the screen rather than elsewhere. The tempo speeds up further into the clip in order to challenge the viewers into paying attention to everything shown on the screen, a good way of keeping the audience focused on the clip. The interaction with the viewers is good because of these points as they all aim to keep the audience engrossed by the ident. Moreover this also shows that the ident is entertainment led and succeeds in keeping the audience amused. Lastly, as the ident is set in outer space, it is an unusual setting once again grasping the audience’s attention and entertaining them and continuing to spark idea’s as to what they can expect from the program. As this ident is dedicated to one specific program the channel shows, it is much more specific in the kinds of things that appear in the clip, leading to the higher success rate of the ident.

         A third example of an unsuccessful ident is UKTV Dave’s 2007 miscellaneous idents. These idents are extremely low in information, with no verbal or visual information about programs being shown, only Dave’s logo and slogan is displayed. The composition of the ident is also unbalanced; the ident contains no verbal information and only visual components, although they do not move and show a still image. Due to the idents being still images and having no verbal information, the tempo for the ident is non-existent. This does not give the audience and exciting look into the kinds of programs the channel shows and certainly does not represent the channel’s personality well. Each ident is set in a living room; however each ident has a different background, what we assume to be wallpaper, and different objects and items placed at the centre or around the image. There is no indication of the time each ident is set in unless there is a window letting in natural light to the image. The idents are neither entertainment nor information led as the ident does not achieve either of these aims; they also do not interact with the audience in any way as only the channel logo is displayed. The still images are neither informative nor entertaining to look at and do not grab the audience’s attention and focus.
         UKTV Dave’s updated and current idents, the Sailing Boat ident is a much more successful and effective ident. In terms of the design features, this ident contains much more information than the previous idents. In this ident in particular, a male voice speaks over the visual events explaining a bit about the program and what the viewers should expect from it. This shows the audience that the channel wants to inform them as well as entertain by giving them a brief idea of the program they are about to watch. The composition of the ident is much better compared to the old miscellaneous idents. This ident has lot of bright colours and attention grabbing objects and events going on, as well as a nice balance between the verbal information and the visual entertainment; neither one detract from the other, in fact they commend the other aspects of it. The tempo of the ident is a good moderate speed. The voice over talks in conversational style, interacting with the audience well, contrasting to the slightly slower visual events; the two people featured in the ident move slowly to begin with and then begin to move slightly faster and with less anxiety. The Sailing Boat ident is set in the modern day, with the characters featured wearing up to date fashionable clothing and hair styles. I assume the ident is set at around midday as there is blazing sunshine coming from the top right hand corner of the screen. This suggests to the viewer that Dave show up to date, fresh and exciting programs that the target audience will be easily entertained by. Due to the ident being led by the information the channel wants to communicate to the audience, there is a good interaction with the viewers; the visual and aural setting in the ident is toned down in order to focus the viewers’ attention in the information.

         In conclusion, there are a few main differences between the successful and unsuccessful idents. We can see that the design features of an ident are a very large contributing factor into whether or not the ident is successful. Firstly we can see that the more the design features aid the interaction with the target audience, the higher the chance of the ident being successful. Secondly, the better the ident is presented, the more likely it is to catch the viewers’ attention and focus. Finally, the more exciting the audience finds the ident, the higher the chance the viewer will return to the channel to watch other programs and become loyal to the branded channel.

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